Wednesday, 15 October 2014

I will be IT guy, Lord of the Milfs


  1. remembered this maybe 5 years after i first read it, just randomly on my commute this morning. forgot how good of a read it is :) their son is ten! thank you for archiving <3

    1. Lmao dont be stupid. "their son" doesnt exist. i mean come on, first he somehow lands a job at a tech sales company full of super hot milfs who have no idea how to run their own business, making it a complete mystery how they even manage to stay afloat in the first place, manages to end up the only guy there who never has to do any work and still gets paid 50k, and THEN he meets a 10/10 hottie "with perfect tits" who magically falls in love with him and they end up playing dark souls 2 and super mario together. (he even put in the whole "we accidentally got pregnant but we're gonna make it work!!!" trope). this is just a sad guy trying to live out his fantasy on /b/ of all places, if the "feels bad man" and "feels good man" pngs he inserted werent enough to tell you that already.
